Sparrow Spooker and related items are temporarily unavailable. Traps are still shipping daily.

At Last!

A truly effective repeating sparrow and starling trap at an affordable price! Bluebird and Purple Martin ‘landlords’ are singing the praises of these traps. See what makes them different from other traps on the market.



Proven design: Thousands of traps in use internationally and in all 50 US states
24”X16”X8” solid pine galvanized hardware cloth construction for years of service
Recycled HDPE elevator arm minimizes need to adjust weight for wet/dry weather cycles
Live trap so any native species can be easily released unharmed
Self-resetting to catch multiple birds per day with no intervention needed
Large capacity – will hold up to 40 birds
When properly set it is virtually escape-proof. No more trap-shy birds.
Easy-access removal door
Full Instructions and trapping tips are included
Floating Item
Floating Item

Use the DRST in conjunction with a Sparrow Spooker to discourage House Sparrows from entering an active songbird nest until they are trapped.

See Our Customer Reviews of the Deluxe Repeating Sparrow Trap!

I pre-baited my planned trap location for a few days prior to the arrival of the repeater trap. The location became crowded with sparrows, and I was excited to receive the trap. Trap arrived two days ago and I’ve already caught 19! I can’t believe how well this worked. My native birds send their thanks.


Thanks. I bought 4 traps from you last spring and trapped over 3000 in 3 months. I gave those traps to a neighbor who's losing more chicken feed than his chickens can eat. So I need these for me. Great traps!


After ten years of service at an average of 400 plus sparrows per year, I need a new one. I love the trap and wish I could find one exclusively for starlings too.

Hi Blaine, when I originally got my trap and set it up after a few weeks it took 17 days to catch the first HOSP. Now on the two year anniversary of that day I’ve caught a total of 742. Even had a one day high of 28!


Up to 107 sparrows trapped since we bought your trap in December 2013.


All that I can say is THANKS....... Martin colony, jays, cards, and native sparrows in North Texas are much happier this year. Have caught 150 plus sparrows since March when I purchased the trap and they keep coming in. an Ingenious design that keeps working 24/7. The darn thing is worth its weight in gold.

Blaine - Unbelievable - 13 more today! You should call this the 'sparrow magnet' - or the 'sparrow vacuum - amazing - never would have believed it. Thanks again.


I purchased one of your traps back in March and had it out for a while with no results. I put it in my shed out of the rain/bad weather for a few weeks. I've since built a covered-platform feeder and have it set out next to the shed. Within a few feet behind it, on half concrete blocks and a piece of plywood, sits the trap. Just today, 4/27/08, I caught two male sparrows. One had gotten caught while I was in the house. The second, I couldn't believe, was caught when I was working maybe 30 or 40 ft away, covering seedlings for frost warning tonight. There was one bird in the trap when I started, and two when I finished.


An update Blaine. From 11/6/5 to today, 1/18/6 I've removed 478 HOSP! 288 males and 190 females. Amazing!.

The trap design is ingenious! We can appreciate the amount of work & time that goes into making these and consider your price very reasonable. Thanks for a great trap and the quick shipping.

Thanks, Blaine, the trap works beautifully and your instructions are wonderful. so far we've trapped a total of 11 birds. The dispatch instructions were very helpful as well.

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